If you are a committed conscious leader, as I am, your role is to be a touchpoint of light and grounding for others as this invisible virus has its way with us, compelling us to face uncertainty and global transformation. It is important to maintain your ground, grow stronger relationships and find new competencies as together, we map a new global reality.
Crisis, as the Japanese purport, is the other side as opportunity. Transformation requires a breakdown/shut down of the status quo to make room for the creative process – a process that takes place in the dark of the unknown. Just as new birth needs womb time, so we experience tomb time that is at once deeply uncomfortable and frustrating while at the same time fertile with innovative possibilities.
Inside the tomb, we find a place called “I don’t know what I don’t know.” This is precisely when a higher perspective is required to anchor us to a deeper reality inside us - one that does not jangle and reposition itself due to the push and pull outside us. Higher perspectives bring in a different kind of light than ones that move us from Point A to Point B. They remind us that we have a choice to identify with our “eternal self” so we can talk our “temporary self” off the ledge as necessary.
The womb/tomb is an individual experience; each of us comes to know it in an intimate way. The good news is that the light at the other side of the tunnel is guaranteed. We are together in the birth ward and will some day have the capacity to play in community again. It may take more toll and more time than we prefer, but a new world will dawn. We have the choice to bring to the new world greater wisdom and creativity by choosing to pay attention to what we can learn in the darkness of Now.
First, we need conscious leaders – in families, at work and in communities – willing to commit to staying clear-minded and insistent that this too shall make us stronger in love.
Stay in the conviction that you are beloved and guided through your fear and into the courage to express your highest purpose. Touch into resources that inspire, fuel and compel you to remember that you chose to be here at this time and your choice to lead now shapes the quality of our future together.

Therese Rowley, Ph.D.
As a skilled intuitive, consultant, and thought leader, Dr. Rowley supports leaders making strategic decisions with intuitive data and deepens their access to intuition. Her work with Fortune 500 and smaller company leaders in facilitating large scale change in industries such as telecommunications, manufacturing, market research, marketing/communications, real estate development, and financial services spans three decades.