Yesterday was Memorial Day – a day to remember soldiers whose honor and selflessness compelled them to protect and defend our freedom through the ages. We also send gratitude to all first responders, as well as the COVID "soldiers" who have laid down their lives in the service of our health and wellbeing, and who bravely put themselves in harm's way to continue to bring us basic needs.
I think about veterans throughout the year, often contributing to Paralyzed Veterans, Disabled Veterans, Wounded Warriors and Veterans of Foreign Wars, because if someone I don't know is willing to put his/her life on the line for me, and is injured from that bravery, the least I can do is say "thank you" in one way that I can.
Thank you to every soldier, veteran, and first responder for teaching us to persevere in the face of challenge and to work for a higher purpose and collective vision that is more important than our happiness or comfort.Â
We are unquestionably now in the Chaos/Exploration phase of the Transformation Curve. We are slowly coming out of shelter-in-place and cautiously finding our way.
It is like we are in recovery after surgery. One day we are lying in bed resting, and another, we are gently walked around the hospital. All the while, we are cautious, careful. The stitches need to be tended to and not torn apart by reckless action. Yet, we are told we must get up and walk around to increase the circulation. The way things were before the surgery has died. There is no going back. And, we do not know what life will be like when we are fully recovered.
Regardless of where you are on the Transformation Curve, these three steps remain helpful:
- create boundaries or define a scope around what is important to you for each day
- identify priorities within that scope/boundary
- create enabling structures you can rely on – whether time, place (in the house or yard) or resources – to dedicate toward the accomplishmentÂ
New routines become much more critical than before, as they provide focus in the chaos and help us feel progress in the unknown.
My mother, who raised 11 children who were about one year apart, used to say: "Sometimes I say to myself, 'I'm going to do well and work things out for the next hour'" – over and over until the day's end. That means, instead of remodeling of your bathroom at this stage of the transformational process, you might consider cleaning out the shelves or linen closet.
Why - because it is important to apply both respect and kindness to the parts of us that are in resistance or hurt while keeping an eye on the future, with the conviction that it is shaping up in a way better than currently imaginable.
That is what soldiers teach us. Let's honor them by forging ahead in a way that contributes to a positive tomorrow for all of us.

Therese Rowley, Ph.D.
As a skilled intuitive, consultant, and thought leader, Dr. Rowley supports leaders making strategic decisions with intuitive data and deepens their access to intuition. Her work with Fortune 500 and smaller company leaders in facilitating large scale change in industries such as telecommunications, manufacturing, market research, marketing/communications, real estate development, and financial services spans three decades.